Texarkana Cub Scout Pack 3 To Hold Flag Retirement Ceremony December 6
If you have an old US Flag that needs to be retired properly here's a great opportunity for you to get that taken care of by a group of dedicated Cub Scouts just learning how it's supposed to be done.
Monday, December 6, Caddo Area Council Pack 3 will be performing the proper US Flag retirement ceremony and the public is invited to bring flags that are in bad shape to this event which starts at 9 AM.
Not sure where it is?
Properly Disposing of the US Flag
Let's face it, too many have died for that Flag for it to be disrespected in any way. That's why Scouts and veterans groups all over the county hold these ceremonies on a regular basis, to make sure we all have a chance to give the respect and honor the Flag deserves when its displaying time has come to an end.
The DOD website explains the process during an American Legion Ceremony in the picture above:
Participants stand aligned in two parallel rows about 20 feet apart, facing each other. A small fire burns beyond the rows of members, opposite the Legion commander.
An airman stands by as a scout leader salutes an older veteran. Several young men stand with them, three of whom are holding unserviceable flags.
The flags that are no longer serviceable are presented to Legion commanders, who inspect them to make sure they should, in fact, be discarded. When it's agreed upon that they've reached their current worn state due to proper service of tribute, memory and love, a color guard presents the colors and a chaplain offers prayers.As the crowd salutes, the flag detail dips the retired flags into kerosene and puts them on a rack over the fire. A bugler sounds "To the Colors."
Please don't just chuck your old flag on a backyard burn pile or wad it up and throw it in the trash, drop it off with a local veterans organization, Scout Troop or Cub Pack to make sure it's done properly and respectfully.