Arbor Day Celebration Coming Soon
The Annual Arbor Day Celebration in Texarkana is coming up in a few weeks.
Several local organizations have partnered with the Texas A&M Forest Service and the Arkansas Forestry Commission to giveaway trees during Texarkana's 4th annual Arbor Day celebration on Saturday, March 3rd, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at Spring Lake Park across from the Rotary Splash Pad.
Members of Texarkana Water Utilities, the City of Texarkana, Texas Parks and Recreation Department, the City of Texarkana, Texas Planning and Community Development Department, the Arkansas Forestry Commission, and the Texas A&M Forest Service will be on-hand to help give away more than 1100 bare root seedlings and small potted trees. The public is invited to participate in the tree giveaway by selecting free trees to take home and plant on a first-come first-serve basis.
The tree species have been carefully researched by a certified arborist and varieties were selected that are adaptable to Texarkana's climate. Available species may include Bur Oak, Cherrybark Oak, Sawtooth Oak, White Oak, Bald Cypress, Eastern Redbud, and Silky Dogwood.
For more information, please contact Holden Fleming at 903-798-3901