What You Need To Know For Back To School At TISD
The Texarkana Independent School District will welcome more than 7,200 students and their families back to school - whether in person or virtually on August 18th.
The staff has been working throughout the summer months to ready the campuses through extra safety precautions and with a strong instructional model for on-site learners as well as a much improved, robust instructional model for the virtual learners.
Per Texas Education Agency guidelines, parents/guardians will be asked to commit to either On-Campus or At-Home Remote Learning by completing a Commitment Form for each student. If TISD is required to close again for an extended period of time, all students will transition to online learning.
TISD is required to offer two different educational options for the 2020-21 school year:
1. Traditional On-Campus Learning.
In-person learning on campus, with heightened hygiene and disinfecting protocols;)
2. At Home Remote Learning.
Full-time learning opportunities which occur virtually from home and not on a TISD campus. Curriculum and resources provided by a TISD teacher will be specifically designed for a virtual environment and aligned to district expectations/ scope and sequence of curriculum. At-Home Remote Learners will be required to participate in class and demonstrate progress on a daily basis. If a student does not participate daily, they will be marked absent and could lose credit for the class. At-Home Remote Learning will be a full course load of instruction and assignments that is comparable to what students who are attending school in person will be required to complete. At the secondary level, some elective courses may be limited. UIL sanctioned activities will be available for grades 6-12.
Parents/guardians are required to commit to one of the learning options in order to help TISD complete plans for the start of the 2020-21 school year by Tuesday, July 28th. You will be able to change your decision by August 5 by contacting your student's campus for further direction.
If you have multiple students, you will need to complete a form for each student enrolling for the 2020-21 school year.
The form is located here.
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