What Was Lurking Beneath the Waters on the Texas Gulf Coast?
It's always been said things are bigger in Texas and that's no exaggeration just ask some boaters who were out in the Texas Gulf coastal waters recently when they noticed something very massive swimming beneath the water.
In order to get a closer look, Alexus who posted the video on Tik Tok was so curious as to what she was seeing that she jumped into the water to get a closer look. I give her kudos for that because most people wouldn't do that. What she saw was blue-gray in color and had white speckles on its body then noticed that this creature had a mouthful of tiny-looking teeth and this is where I would think Alexus would get out of the water but she and her friend Addison were still curious and surprised when they learned they were looking at one of the largest sharks and one of the largest of all fish, it was a whale shark.
The two girls were on a charter with Gulf Magic Fishing when they witnessed something swimming in the water.
Was this shark like Mega Shark in the movie? Not quite but still plenty huge.
Whale sharks may look menacing with about 3,000 small teeth but according to the Florida Museum of Natural History, they are considered harmless to humans. However, you probably wouldn't want to provoke them. which is pretty much the standard of any animal. NOAA reports that whale sharks can grow to be up to 46 feet in length, weigh close to 24,000 pounds, and can live up to 100 years.
Whale sharks are not the typical shark they are more gentle and use their huge mouth to feed on smaller prey, fish, and plankton by gulping them up into their mouth. Whale sharks love the warmer waters, especially in the Gulf of Mexico but it's somewhat rare to see them closer to shore as in this case where they were spotted about 6 miles from the coast of Port Aransas.
I'm pretty sure this will be an experience that Alexus will never forget.