Here is the latest Texas Department of Transportation Weekly Road Work Report across Northeast Texas.

Bowie County

US 259 – At Red River north of De Kalb, constructing new bridge.              
U.S. 259 – From US 82 to FM 44, adding shoulders.
FM 1297 – From FM 2878 to FM 559, widening highway.
Camp County
Cass County
Harrison County
I-20 Westbound – From SH 43 to Gregg County Line, repairing pavement. Various lane closures, expect delays.
I-20 – From FM 31 to 0.5 mile west of US 80, repairing pavement. Various lane closures, expect delays.
FM 1997 – In front of ETBU, adding sidewalk.
Marion County
Morris County
Panola County
SH 149 – At SH 315, constructing overpass and widening highway.
Titus County
US 271 – From end of freeway section of US 271 to 0.3 mile south of FM 3417, extending freeway lanes and constructing overpass at FM 3417.
US 271 – At Ripley Creek and Ripley Creek Relief, replacing bridges.
Upshur County
SH 155 – From south of Sabine River to US 80, replacing bridges and widening roadway.



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