The Texarkana Arkansas City Board of Directors meets tonight at Arkansas side City Hall starting at 6PM.

Here is the complete agenda for the meeting:


1.Call to Order
2.Roll Call
3.Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given by Director Travis Odom
4.Comments from the Mayor
A.Texarkana Water Utilities (TWU) FY 2019 Budget Presentation given by TWU Finance Director Jim Cornelius. (PowerPoint)
B.Proclamation declaring October 21 – 27, 2018, as Pro Bono Week presented to the Texarkana Bar Association.
C.Proclamation declaring November as Business Appreciation Month.
6.Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting October 1, 2018. (CCD)

Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the Millwood Water Treatment Plant Valve Replacement Project. (TWU)


Adopt a Resolution approving Texarkana Water Utilities (TWU) FY 2019 Budget. (TWU)

9.Adopt an Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Texarkana, Arkansas, regarding the lot of record definition. (PWD-Planning) (SECOND READING) City Planner Mary Beck
10.Consider the following:
A.Adopt an Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Texarkana, Arkansas, to provide for fees for permits and services in order to recoup expenses. (TWU) Executive Director JD Phillips
B.This ordinance requires an emergency clause: An emergency clause requires a separate and distinct vote of the board and is valid only if there is a two-thirds vote of approval by the board. (Hdbk. Const. Amend 7)
11.Citizen Communication [Agenda Item Card and Citizens’ Communication Card]
12.Executive Session
A.Adopt a Resolution making appointments to various boards, commissions, and committees. [Advertising and Promotion Commission, Electric Board of Review, Heating and Air Conditioning Board of Review, Historic District Commission, and Planning Commission] (CCD)
B.Boards and Commissions Expiration of Terms. (CCD)

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