TASD Announces 2021-2022 Lifetime Razorback Recipient
A big congratulations to Nedra Turney. She was recently named and honored by the Texarkana Arkansas School District as the 2021-2022 Lifetime Razorback recipient at the TASD Community Breakfast on Wednesday, June 8.
The Texarkana Arkansas School District made the announcement on their Facebook page:
During the TASD Community Breakfast, Nedra Turney was honored as the 2021-2022 Lifetime Razorback recipient. Mrs. Turney is a proud supporter of the Texarkana Arkansas School District and we greatly appreciate all she does for our district and the community. Congratulations, Mrs. Turney.
Honestly, this honor couldn't have gone to a better person. Nedra Turney is not only a great supporter of the TASD, but she has also been such an important figure in our community for years.
I've had the pleasure to work with her many times throughout the years when she was Executive Director of the Texarkana Chapter of the Red Cross. She was always a welcomed guest on our radio stations as she tirelessly helped us get the word out about important information and events pertaining to Texarkana and surrounding areas. That included helping local families after a house fire to blood drives due to natural disasters and helping displaced evacuees arriving in Texarkana from hurricanes Katrina and Rita and more.
Congratulations Nedra!! You deserve this special Lifetime Razorback honor!

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