Texarkana-Area COVID-19 Numbers for December 30
Texarkana-Area COVID-19 Numbers for December 30
Texarkana-Area COVID-19 Numbers for December 30
Numbers on this last week of 2021 seem to be a mixed bag, overall cases are up, but ICU patients are down, Texas Trauma Service Area F (see charts below) which includes Texarkana, New Boston, and Paris, have a reported 46 people hospitalized, up a bit from our last report two weeks ago at 40, 11 of those in ICU, 2 on ventilators, and still 0 pediatric cases in our area. Here are your latest COVID-
Bowie County Sheriff's Report - Week Of 12/20 - 12/26
Bowie County Sheriff's Report - Week Of 12/20 - 12/26
Bowie County Sheriff's Report - Week Of 12/20 - 12/26
The week of Christmas, you would like to think, would be a slow one for law enforcement, unfortunately, that would be wrong. Your Bowie County Sheriff's Department spent the week working multiple sexual assault cases, credit card abuse, theft, cruelty to livestock, forgery, a dog bite, and much more.

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