Pile of Christmas presents, shot over white background

It will be the holiday season before you know it and the Salvation Army of Texarkana is here to help again this year with the Angel Tree Program.

If you or someone you know needs assistance for Christmas you can apply anytime before the November 5 deadline.
Father and son are enjoying Christmas holiday
The Angel Tree Program is a fantastic way to help the community. Once applications have been sent in, Angel Trees will be placed at businesses around the Texarkana area including our Townsquare Media office lobby. Then the public can choose an angel on one of the trees. Each angel represents a child or a senior citizen and has a list of items they would like or need. This program is such a wonderful way to make sure every 'angel' has a great Christmas. Each angel has different needs and wants so it's easy to find an angel you can help within your budget.
For safety reasons because of Covid-19, this year applications will only be taken online.  This assistance program is only for adults with children 12 and younger and for seniors that are 65 and older.
Photo by Євгенія Височина on Unsplash
Photo by Євгенія Височина on Unsplash
With the Online Applications for the Angel Tree Christmas Assistance Program, you will need to call the Salvation Army office to receive a code to register this year. Call (870) 774-2701.
Find out more on the Salvation Army Facebook page.or their website.
Salvation Army Texarkana
Salvation Army Texarkana
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