TC Presidential Scholarship Priority Deadline Fast Approaching
Texarkana College’s Presidential Scholarship priority deadline is March 30, 2018, for all graduating seniors in all counties in TC’s service area.
Students who are awarded the scholarship will receive up to two years (or 60 semester credit hours) of college tuition-free.
The TC Presidential Scholarship was established in 2015 to reward hard-working area students by helping them reach their higher education goals without the burden of financial debt. Students who graduate in 2018 from a public school in Bowie County can automatically qualify for the scholarship with a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.25 and by graduating in the top 15%, or top 10 graduates, of their class. Graduates from Miller County, AR, or Atlanta ISD, Avery ISD, Bloomburg ISD, Linden-Kildare ISD, McLeod ISD or Queen City ISD will have guaranteed acceptance for the scholarship with a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.25 and by graduating in the top 15% of their class.
Students who do not automatically qualify or students from private, charter, alternative or home schools are also encouraged to apply for the scholarship by submitting a 300-word essay describing their academic and career goals.
“I applied for the scholarship because I wanted to save my family and myself money,” said Zach Carpenter, 2017-2018 Presidential Scholar Recipient. “I wanted to get a good education without having to put us in debt. I wrote an essay to ensure that I was granted this great opportunity to be a presidential scholar at TC. If someone wants to save money and you’re not ready to go off to college, Texarkana College is a great place to get your start.”
TC’s Scholarship Coordinator, Madie Westmorland, said her involvement with the Presidential Scholarship opportunity is one of the best parts of her job.
“Having the opportunity to meet the students who receive the scholarship, hear their stories, and see what an incredible difference the scholarship has made in their lives is so rewarding,” said Westmorland. “The scholarship provides much more than a financial award, it provides a cohort of students who attend classes together, engage in leadership and community service projects together, and make lasting friendships. I encourage all high school seniors who want to start college in the fall to apply. It’s a game-changer for families and students alike.”
All Presidential Scholarship recipients must meet state college-ready testing requirements in all areas by June 15, 2018. More details and an online application are available by going to the website.
For questions, please contact TC’s scholarship coordinator Madie Westmoreland at 903-823-3009.
The financial aid office is located in Texarkana College’s Nelson Administration Building and is open Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. and Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The College will be closed for Spring Break from March 12-16th and will reopen to assist students on Monday, March 19, 2018.
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