Ahoy Ye Land Lubbers! How well do you think you could build and float a boat made of cardboard? If you want to try, this is your weekend in Texarkana, Arkansas.
Congratulations to the City of Texarkana, Texas as they announced today, Thursday, April 27, 2023, that it has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) based on the City’s 2022-2023 annual budget. This is the eighth year in a row the city has earned this award.
In Bowie County, Texas DSHS reports 2 new cases and a total of 4,706 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases with 0 probable cases, 210 deaths.
Bowie County Fully Vaccinated age 16 - 64: 20%
Bowie County Fully Vaccinated age 65 and older: 42%
Cass County has 0 new cases and a total of 1192, plus 0 probable cases, COVID death total of 81.
Cass County Fully Vaccinated age 16 - 64: 23%
Cass County Fully Va