We all know it's been a tough year economically for businesses and restaurants in Texas, however there are certain ways you can tell JUST how bad it is by seeing which chains are shutting stores down.

There are certain places I swear we never see shut their doors. McDonald's comes to mind in the restaurant sector. Walmart is the one that comes to mind for me when it's a business we're talking about that never goes out of business.

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Looks like I spoke a bit too soon, because Walmart has announced they are shutting down numerous locations due to lagging sales.

Seriously? Walmart with lagging sales? I've never been into a Walmart that was slow on traffic, but apparently the do exist, and just like the rest of the country, Walmart is looking to save some money and cut costs.

The retail chain is set to shut down 11 stores, or at least stores that carry the Walmart name in some capacity. The reason I say that is because a couple of the stores on the list aren't actually Walmart. It's their Neighborhood Market grocery stores.

On the list, there are nine Walmart's and two Neighborhood Markets that will be shutting their stores in the very near future.

We have both of those here in Texas, and now I'm wondering if any of them in the state will be shutting their doors.

In California, they're shutting down four Walmart stores and one Neighborhood Market. Georgia will see two of their Walmart's disappear. Colorado, Maryland, and Ohio are three other states that are losing a Walmart, while Wisconsin will have one less Neighborhood Market to shop at.

Texas? Not on the list thankfully, but that doesn't mean another wave of these could come along and our great state avoids it. As of now though, Texas Walmart locations will survive this round of closures, which is great news.

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Stacker compiled a list of toy crazes from the past 100 years. 

Gallery Credit: Jennnifer Billock