New Texarkana Area Program Will Protect Those with Dementia-Related Illnesses
This is a fantastic public safety program where our community will benefit greatly. There is now a partnership between the Cass County and Miller County Sheriff’s Offices, and the Alzheimer’s Alliance Tri-State Area. It's called Project Lifesaver and it will help families of those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and related dementias, as well as Autism and Down Syndrome.
Late last month the Cass County and Miller County Sheriff’s Offices completed two days of Project Lifesaver training.
Now this program is available in Cass County, Miller County as they join Bowie County, which has been in the program since this past January.
The mission of this program will provide timely responses to save lives and reduce potential injury for any adult and child who may wander due to a cognitive condition.
Wandering Off
If you have ever had a loved one with a dementia-related illness then you know how they can wander off very easily then get disoriented and not know how to call for help. It is a frightening situation for them and their family and loved ones.
Alzheimer’s Alliance Texarkana Area, along with Project Lifesaver International, trained law enforcement, public safety agencies and first responders will allow caregivers to voluntarily register their loved one with dementia to wear a small wrist transmitter.
The process is easy, The client will wear the wristband 24/7 it will emit a unique, identifiable radio frequency tracking signal. If the client goes missing, the caregiver just calls 9-1-1. The trained rescue personnel will go to the area with receivers and locate the client.
This program works. Over 4,300 persons have been rescued internationally with this technology.
Sheriff Larry Rowe, Cass County Sheriff’s Office said in a press release,
Project Lifesaver for Cass County is an important step in protecting our at-risk residents. We are so fortunate to partner with the Alzheimer’s Alliance in this effort.
Sheriff Wayne Easley, Miller County Sheriff’s Office said,
Miller County is pleased to be partnering with the Alzheimer’s Alliance and adding Miller County to the Project Lifesaver Program. By joining Project Lifesaver along with Bowie and Cass Counties, we have increased the area of coverage for families in our community dealing with cognitive conditions.
The Alzheimer’s Alliance Texarkana Area will administer the program for Bowie, Cass and Miller Counties. Scholarships are available for those who qualify. You can find out more information on how to sign up, at alztristate.org or contact (903) 223-8021.

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