Caddo Area Council's Troop 3 of the Boy Scouts of America has been a part of Texarkana Scouting for 100 years, and plans for a celebration are underway.

Anyone associated with Troop 3, whether it be Scout or Leader, at any time in its history should mark your calendars for Saturday, May 9 and plan to join them at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in the Fellowship Hall starting at 6:30 PM. For those that would like to attend Mass, please arrive before 5:30 PM.

If you know of anyone that has been a part of Troop 3’s glorious past please make sure they know about this very unique opportunity. Let's face it, Troops come and go, but it's a rare breed that can keep it going for 100 years.

Troop 3’s 100-year celebration menu will consist of fried catfish with all the fixins, fries, drinks and desserts. Plus, a commemorative patch will be available as well.

Donations are always encouraged and thank you very much.

Follow Troop 3 on their Groups page here, for any changes or additions. For more information please call Troop 3 Leader Kevin DuPree at 903-319-4260 or email

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