Rachel Breitfeller is a 20-year-old graduate of Pleasant Grove High School and is now studying Advertising/PR Journalism at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. Passionate about country music, she can be found kicking up her heels to the sounds of Keith Urban or the Eli Young Band when she isn't spending time with family, doing charity work, or working with her sorority.
Rachel Breitfeller
Fast Food Workers Across The Country Walk Out On Jobs
Remember that post I did the other day about the McDonald's workers wanting a higher minimum wage pay? Well yes, this is related to that.
Vacation Ideas Before Summer Ends
Need somewhere to go before summer is over? Look no further!
SeaWorld Under Attack After Beached Whale Incident
If you're heading down to Florida for vacation, maybe just stick to the beaches.
Free Parties for Bill Clinton’s Birthday
In that picture Bill Clinton is all like "Please, please...it's just my birthday. No big deal really." Or at least, that's what I would imagine him to be saying.
All joking aside, former President Bill Clinton's birthday is coming up on August 19...
Upcoming Hope Watermelon Festival
Yes, you did read that title right! The annual Hope Watermelon Festival is right around the corner!
Duck, Duck, Goose! 2013 Great Texarkana Duck Race
It's that time again people...time to adopt a duck!
Learn Night Photography Skills At Upcoming Workshop
Want to learn how to capture digital images at night?