Everyone dreams of what they want to be when they grow up and Lucky Larry is living out his childhood dream. He has been an air personality for over 25 years -- playing hit music, informing East Texas on breaking news/events, and interacting with listeners. A weird thing about Lucky Larry, while he enjoys a big tub of movie theater-buttered popcorn he rarely watches movies in the theaters or on TV -- so don't ask him to quote movie lines. People sometimes make fun of this, but he's accepted that. A big believer in children and children's healthcare, Lucky Larry is a champion for the Children's Miracle Network. For more than 25 years he has helped raise over a million dollars for children's healthcare to benefit children and families in the Tyler area. Among the things that he loves to do: visiting Six Flags Over Texas and riding roller coasters - the bigger and faster the better at any amusement park; white water rafting while on vacation; or snowmobiling if there's plenty of snow.